01/08 - Preparation of a single tooth defect with severely resorbed vestibular wall
Single tooth restoration with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. K. Chmielewski
02/08 - Fixation of the first maxgraft® cortico plate using an osteosynthesis screw
Single tooth restoration with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. K. Chmielewski
03/08 - Filling with maxgraft® granules mixed with particulated PRFmatrices and fixation of the second plate
Single tooth restoration with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. K. Chmielewski
04/08 - Covering with Jason® membrane
Single tooth restoration with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. K. Chmielewski
05/08 - Covering with a PRF-matrix for improved soft-tissue healing
Single tooth restoration with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. K. Chmielewski
06/08 - Tension-free wound closure
Single tooth restoration with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. K. Chmielewski
07/08 - Situation after a healing period of 4,5 months
Single tooth restoration with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. K. Chmielewski
08/08 - Implantation in stable bone situation
Single tooth restoration with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. K. Chmielewski