Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Three-dimensional augmentation with maxgraft® cortico - Dr. R. Würdinger
Preparation of a single tooth defect with severely resorbed vestibular wall
Model of the initial defect computed from a CBCT scan - buccal view
Severe atrophy of the ridge
Initial clinical situation
Initial clinical situation – missing bonein regio 11, 12, 21, 22 and scarred soft tissue
Clinical situation
Occlusal view of attached maxgraft® cortico at the buccal site
OPG of the initial situation – provision of missing denture in regio 44 to 47 by a resin-retained bridge
Clinical situation
Preoperative CBCT: vertical bone defects in the 3rd & 4th quadrant