01/11 - Pre-operative clinical situation: severe atrophy of the maxillary bone
Augmentation of an atrophic maxilla with maxgraft® bonebuilder - Dr. Dr. Dr. O. Blume
02/11 - Three-dimensional reconstruction of the bone defect and planned maxgraft® bonebuilder blocks
Augmentation of an atrophic maxilla with maxgraft® bonebuilder - Dr. Dr. Dr. O. Blume
03/11 - Upper left maxilla: severe atrophic ridge
Augmentation of an atrophic maxilla with maxgraft® bonebuilder - Dr. Dr. Dr. O. Blume
04/11 - Fixation of maxgraft® bonebuilder an contouring with allogenic granules
Augmentation of an atrophic maxilla with maxgraft® bonebuilder - Dr. Dr. Dr. O. Blume
05/11 - Covering with Jason® membrane and one layer of PRF matrices
Augmentation of an atrophic maxilla with maxgraft® bonebuilder - Dr. Dr. Dr. O. Blume
06/11 - Tension-free and saliva-proof wound closure
Augmentation of an atrophic maxilla with maxgraft® bonebuilder - Dr. Dr. Dr. O. Blume
07/11 - Fixation of two more maxgraft® bonebuilder blocks on upper right maxillary ridge
Augmentation of an atrophic maxilla with maxgraft® bonebuilder - Dr. Dr. Dr. O. Blume
08/11 - Clinical situation before re-entry, six months after augmentation procedure
Augmentation of an atrophic maxilla with maxgraft® bonebuilder - Dr. Dr. Dr. O. Blume
09/11 - Implant insertion
Augmentation of an atrophic maxilla with maxgraft® bonebuilder - Dr. Dr. Dr. O. Blume
10/11 - X-ray scan after implant insertion
Augmentation of an atrophic maxilla with maxgraft® bonebuilder - Dr. Dr. Dr. O. Blume
11/11 - Temporary provision
Augmentation of an atrophic maxilla with maxgraft® bonebuilder - Dr. Dr. Dr. O. Blume