GBR with non-resorbable membrane

PTFE membranes like permamem® are the most commonly used non-resorbable membranes. The synthetic, inert nature of permamem® allows for its longer use without any negative side effects. permamem® maintains its structural integrity during implantation and over time. Moreover, permamem® has superior space-maintaining properties (as compared to collagen membranes) and capacity for cell occlusion. Due to its small pore size, permamem® acts as an efficient barrier against bacterial penetration, and is therefore advantageous in situations where primary closure cannot be achieved.
In particular for more demanding augmentative procedures mixing cerabone® with autologous bone or allogeneic bone chips (maxgraft® granules) is beneficial. By mixing bovine and allogeneic granules, the advantages of both materials may be combined; the biological potential of maxgraft® along with the long-term stability of cerabone® lead to fast regeneration and formation of vital, strong bone. For those who prefer to work with synthetic materials, the biphasic calcium phosphate maxresorb® offers a valid alternative.
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