01/13 - Preoperative clinical situation
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
02/13 - Surgical presentation of the alveolar ridge
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
03/13 - Preparation of the lateral sinus window
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
04/13 - Perforation of the Schneiderian membrane
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
05/13 - Jason® membrane to cover the Schneiderian membrane
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
06/13 - Presentation of the sinus cavity
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
07/13 - Filling of the sinus cavity with cerabone®
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
08/13 - Jason® membrane cut to shape
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
09/13 - Coverage of the augmentation site with Jason® membrane
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
10/13 - Additional Filling of the extraction socket with cerabone®
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
11/13 - Application of collagen fleece
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
12/13 - Suturing, collagen fleece left exposed for open healing
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić
13/13 - Post-operative x-ray showing radiopacity of cerabone®
Two-stage sinus lift with cerabone®, Jason® membrane & collagen fleece - Dr. D. Jelušić