01/06 - Pre-operative radiographic view.
Intrabony defect treated using Straumann® Emdogain®, cerabone® and Jason® membrane - Dr. D. B. Hangyási
02/06 - Intra-operative view. Cleaned intrabony defect.
Intrabony defect treated using Straumann® Emdogain®, cerabone® and Jason® membrane - Dr. D. B. Hangyási
03/06 - Straumann® Emdogain® applied to the defect area.
Intrabony defect treated using Straumann® Emdogain®, cerabone® and Jason® membrane - Dr. D. B. Hangyási
04/06 - Defect filled with small cerabone® granules.
Intrabony defect treated using Straumann® Emdogain®, cerabone® and Jason® membrane - Dr. D. B. Hangyási
05/06 - Defect site and granules covered with Jason® membrane.
Intrabony defect treated using Straumann® Emdogain®, cerabone® and Jason® membrane - Dr. D. B. Hangyási
06/06 - Radiographic evidence of bone fill 1 year post-operative.
Intrabony defect treated using Straumann® Emdogain®, cerabone® and Jason® membrane - Dr. D. B. Hangyási