1/18 - Initial situation pre-op: Central incisors with mobility 3
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
2/18 - Extraction of all incisors
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
3/18 - Situation after extraction. Alveolar with severe bone loss
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
4/18 - Trephine 6 mm to prepare a ring bed for maxgraft® bonering 6 mm
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
5/18 - Planator 6 mm to create a flat ring bed and press-fit for the maxgraft® bonering
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
6/18 - Implantation of maxgraft® bonering and implant bed preparation 2.8 mm drill through the ring
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
7/18 - Implantation of Straumann BLT Implant Ø3.3 mm
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
8/18 - Implantation of two maxgraft® bonering and two Straumann BLT Implants Ø3.3 mm 10 mm
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
9/18 - Preparation of platelet-rich fibrin from patients blood
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
10/18 - Contouring the defect with cerabone® and use of Jason® membrane as resorption protection
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
11/18 - PRF-membrane to support wound healing
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
12/18 - Explantation of a bone gingiva graft for socket preservation
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
12/18 - Bone-gingiva graft
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
13/18 - Tension-free sutures and horizontal mattress sutures to remove tension from the muscles of the oral cavity
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
14/18 - Crestal view after suturing the graft for optimal vascularization
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
15/18 - Final outcome after surgery
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
16/18 - 6 months after surgery: healthy soft tissue
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen
17/18 - 6 months after surgery temporary prosthetics in place
Restoration of all four incisors with two maxgraft® bonering - Dr. B Giesenhagen